A classic Argentinian Sandwich.
- 4 packages of Pan de Miga (a large square without crust and thinner sliced crumb. In the US, they sell it in Chinese or Argentine bakeries)
- mayonnaise
- cooked corn
- sliced cheese
- Queso Fresco or Panela cheese sliced
- washed and centrifuged lettuce
- salmon spread or smoked, cooked or rotisserie chicken breast chopped, etc.
- sliced hard-boiled eggs
- ham
- sliced avocado
- sliced tomato
- Place a slice of bread on a tray, cover it with a thin layer of mayonnaise, and fill it with a layer of ham and cheese. Cover another slice of bread with mayonnaise, and place it on top of the ham cheese with the mayonnaise facing down. Spread mayonnaise on the same slice. So the middle piece has mayonnaise on both sides. Now place a layer of corn and a hard-boiled egg. Cover with another slice of bread with mayonnaise.
- Each sandwich has three bread slices and two fillings between each layer, so four fillings each.
- Assemble the sandwiches one on top of the other so that they crush themselves with the weight (photo).
- Cover the tray with plastic film and let it rest refrigerated for 2 hours. Cut each sandwich in 8, with two diagonals and a cross.